you'll always be a part of me, i'm part of you indefinitely, boy don't you know you can't escape me... oooh darlin' cos you'll always be my baby

It’s been a bit since my last post, my apologies. I’ve started school for this 8 weeks. I’m taking Business Law I and Beginning Algebra. Yes, I said Beginning Algebra. I wish I would’ve paid attention in middle school when all of this was being taught. I guess, with no pun intended, I’ve learned my lesson.

In other news, I’m about to go to sleep. Why do you care? Well, I don’t normally go to sleep before 1am and the big kicker is that I’m going to get up at 8am and go to the gym. Yes, it’s January and it’s time to work off some pounds. I plan to start P90X soon, which is very intense. I’m gonna start out slow at the gym this morning since I’ve been smoking for the last couple of years and hopefully work myself up to a level where I can work on P90X without killing myself.

Why is it that every health professional you talk to says the best way to lose weight is to diet and exercise? Duh. Everyone knows that. Doc, give me a pill or an injection or suck out this fat. I don’t want to stop eating what I want and I sure as hell don’t want to exercise. Folks, these attitudes of mine must change. It ain’t gonna happen over night, but 2010 is about making right what I’ve made wrong and it starts with my attitude.

So, if I’m a bitch to you—I apologize in advance. I’m going to quit smoking soon, limit caffeine intake and lower calories. I decided it’s going to begin with exercise and today happens to be the day it starts.

Wish me luck, kids. A healthier, happier me. Coming soon.

... the water's rising and i'm slipping under, i think i fell in love with the 8th world wonder, yeah yeah yeah.
merry christmas to all, i hope it was great for you. this year’s christmas was a hell of a lot better than years past. i have to thank my family and my friends for making this christmas one of the best in my life. now, i’m looking forward to 2010. i read a poll a couple of days ago that said the majority of Americans want to say good riddance to the 00-09 decade. i concur. this period was full of more downs than ups and i’m looking forward to a decade of ups. this time last year, my ex of 4 months broke up with me on christmas day and it broke my heart but i feel right now i can let that go because i learned then that my heart could still be broken, that it still works and now, a year later i’ve learned that it still beats on and yearns for the love of another. so good riddance 00-09… come on 10-19. 
...with a dream and a cardigan. i look at the land of fame excess... am i gonna fit in?

it's been a little under a year since i've made some posts on my blog and i never can seem to keep it up, hip and interesting. i guess i’m in a writing mood lately and there’s some things friends and complete strangers should learn from—or learn with me.

my first post has to be interesting, it has to be eye-catching, zany, funny, retarded—all of the things that encompass my being. i promise no less, so here goes.

thursday i engaged in gossip at the local watering hole known as the soco club, i encountered a guy that was really cute and we ended up making out on the patio. flash forward a couple of hours, with me really wasted off of my ass and an invite to sleep in said guy’s bed—mind you, strictly sleep—none of the pleasures of the flesh. honestly. i woke up halfway in the middle of the night while it was still dark and in my drunken stupor, in an inability to find my glasses or a way out of the dark bedroom my bladder urgency got the best of me and yes… i pissed my pants right there, in the bed. needless to say, i don’t think the cute blonde boy at soco will perhaps ever call me back, much less invite me over to stay again.

in reflection of the incident, there are plenty of excuses for me to make… i was drunk, and having already broken the seal i was vulnerable to such discharge. however, this does not erase the embarassment i feel—and i do apologize for the young sir that had to endure an impromptu watersports session. although, i walk away knowing i have another fantastic, over the top story to add to my memoirs in my later years. ciao for now, i hope this has entertained the masses.

testing windows live writer interaction…

welcome welcome welcome.

you are witnessing the return of an icon. the homo sophisticate will be back in a few days... keep watching.